Professional Picture Framing

Hundreds of Frame Choices

Traditional or modern, wood or metal, natural, painted, goldleaf and distressed finishes. Many choices of the popular floating frames also available.

Acid Free Mat Boards smooth or textured

Pictures, posters and any paper artwork needs proper mat boards to separate the art from contact with the glass. Choosing the right colour is what makes your art stand out.

Protect your art with UV Glass

Every artwork is susceptible to UV damage but paper art is particularly vulnerable. Once it's damaged it's too late so protect your art with the right glass.

Frame 3D and Unusual Items

I've framed lanyards, drumsticks PGA Tour Golf flags and more. If you have a precious object lets talk about how it can be displayed

Did you purchase a rolled canvas?

Professional Canvas Stretching

It’s important not to leave a canvas rolled up for very long as it can damage the art. Get your painting properly stretched and ready to display